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July 20, 2005: On shrinking table sizes | ||
Im my article dated April 21th 2005 (On table sizes), I pointed out that Oracle
does not free storage space with the
delete statement.
Usually, this is a good thing because the 'deleted' space will be used for future insert statements. Also update statements that increase the data size can
use such 'deleted' space. Technically, this is because Oracle does not move the high water mark downwards.
However, when there is a mass delete operation that won't be followed by insert or update statements, it might be advisable to really free
the deleted space.
In order to demonstrate this, I create a table and insert 10000 records:
create table table_size_test ( a char(100), b number ) storage (initial 65K next 65K pctincrease 0) tablespace ts_01; begin for i in 1 .. 10000 loop insert into table_size_test values (dbms_random.string('X', 100),i); end loop; end; / commit;
I also create an index on the table:
create index ix_table_size_test on table_size_test(a) storage (initial 65K next 65K pctincrease 0) tablespace ts_02;
Let's see how much space the table and index use:
select substr(segment_name,1,20) segment, bytes / 1024 "Size [KB]" from user_segments where segment_name in ('TABLE_SIZE_TEST', 'IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST'); SEGMENT Size [KB] -------------------- ---------- TABLE_SIZE_TEST 1280 IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST 1280
Half of the records in the table are deleted:
No space is freed:
select substr(segment_name,1,20) segment, bytes / 1024 "Size [KB]" from user_segments where segment_name in ('TABLE_SIZE_TEST', 'IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST'); SEGMENT Size [KB] -------------------- ---------- TABLE_SIZE_TEST 1280 IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST 1280
alter table .. move defragments (if you want that expression) and stores the table more efficiently:
alter table table_size_test move; select substr(segment_name,1,20) segment, bytes / 1024 "Size [KB]" from user_segments where segment_name in ('TABLE_SIZE_TEST', 'IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST'); SEGMENT Size [KB] -------------------- ---------- TABLE_SIZE_TEST 640 IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST 1280
However, there are two problems. First, the size of the index is not reduced. But even worse: the index is invalidated!:
select status from user_indexes where index_name = 'IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST'; STATUS -------- UNUSABLE
The index needs to be rebuilt:
alter index ix_table_size_test rebuild;
This not only validates the index again, but also shrinks its size:
select status, bytes/1024 from user_indexes join user_segments on index_name = segment_name where index_name = 'IX_TABLE_SIZE_TEST'; STATUS BYTES/1024 -------- ---------- VALID 704
Thus, using
alter table move , the allocated size on the harddisk for table and index had been roughly decreased by 50%.
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