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On the collect aggregate function | ||
A feature that seems to be missing in Oracle SQL seems to be the concatenation of strings
within a group by-group.
Consider the following table with its data:
create table collect_example ( id number, foo varchar2(20) ); insert into collect_example values (1, 'Honda'); insert into collect_example values (1, 'Audi'); insert into collect_example values (1, 'Mercedes'); insert into collect_example values (2, 'Apple'); insert into collect_example values (2, 'Pear'); insert into collect_example values (3, 'New York'); insert into collect_example values (3, 'Boston'); insert into collect_example values (3, 'Berlin'); insert into collect_example values (3, 'Jakarta');
Now, say, someone wants to do something like:
This will of course not work!
However, Oracle 10g comes with the
collect aggregate function that can be used achieve
the desired goal.
In order to use collect, a type must be created:
create type varchar2_t as table of varchar2(20); /
Also, a function, that receives a parameter of this type, is needed. The function will actually concatenate
the single varchar2s passed through this parameter:
create or replace function collect_func (t in varchar2_t) return varchar2 as ret varchar2(2000) := ''; i number; begin i := t.first; while i is not null loop if ret is not null then ret := ret || ' - '; end if; ret := ret || t(i); i :=; end loop; return ret; end; /
Now, that everything is here, the select statement can be formulated like so:
column concatenated format a50 select id, collect_func(cast(collect (foo) as varchar2_t)) concatenated from collect_example group by id;
And here's the output:
ID CONCATENATED ---------- -------------------------------------------------- 1 Honda - Audi - Mercedes 2 Apple - Pear 3 New York - Boston - Berlin - Jakarta
See also: user defined aggregate functions.
Update September 22, 2005
Here's an article on the missing product() aggregate function.