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May 11, 2005: On using regexp_replace to format data | ||
I have a table with raw data:
create table table_raw_data ( txt varchar2(50) );
This table is filled with names and first names. Two people also have a middle name (Michelle and George).
For each of these people, there is also their office location (for example 22B) and their phone extension
(for example +1409 or 1457):
insert into table_raw_data values ('Steven Green 22B +1409'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Edward Allen 18A 1457'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Ruth Michelle Campbell 9D 1466'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Paul Turner +1402 13B'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Kimberly Thompson 9B 1451'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Kevin George Young 1424 15A'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Charles Jackson 16B 1428'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Margaret Collins +1461 22A'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Brian Moore 5C +1472'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Betty Davis 1412 7B'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Paul Mitchell 18A +1421'); insert into table_raw_data values ('Richard Brown 22C 4155');
Unfortunately, the data is not structured very well. Sometimes, names are delimited by a single space, sometimes,
they are delimited by multiple spaces. The extension has a leading + sometimes, but not always. The office comes
after or before the extension:
What I want, however, is a table that is structured like this:
create table table_formatted ( name varchar2(20), fst_name varchar2(20), mdl_name varchar2(20), office varchar2( 3), phone varchar2( 4) );
In order to fill this table, regexp_replace does a good job:
insert into table_formatted select regexp_replace(txt, pat, '\4'), regexp_replace(txt, pat, '\1'), regexp_replace(txt, pat, '\3'), regexp_replace(txt, '.*[[:space:]]([[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:upper:]]).*', '\1'), regexp_replace(txt, '.*[[:space:]]\+?([[:digit:]]{4})([[:space:]]|$).*', '\1') from table_raw_data cross join ( select '^([[:alpha:]]+)' || -- find the 1st word (name) '[[:space:]]+' || -- find 1 or more spaces '(([[:alpha:]]+)[[:space:]]+)?' || -- find an optional middle name '([[:alpha:]]+)' || -- find the last name '.*' pat from dual);
Now, I can query the table:
select name, fst_name, mdl_name, office, phone from table_formatted;
Here's the output of the query:
NAME FST_NAME MDL_NAME OFF PHON -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --- ---- Green Steven 22B 1409 Allen Edward 18A 1457 Campbell Ruth Michelle 9D 1466 Turner Paul 13B 1402 Thompson Kimberly 9B 1451 Young Kevin George 15A 1424 Jackson Charles 16B 1428 Collins Margaret 22A 1461 Moore Brian 5C 1472 Davis Betty 7B 1412 Mitchell Paul 18A 1421 Brown Richard 22C 4155 More on OracleThis is an on Oracle article. The most current articles of this series can be found here.