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Jasper - Patterns | ||
Patterns are used to format values in the report.
First example
Putting the minus character for negative numbers on the number's right side rather than its left side.
Note how F{} of COL_3 is placed one character to the right with regard to its column title to make the appearance of a vertically alligned column.
Note also how the 4th column is not correctly aligned at all.
Note further that the txt-export is completely messed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" name ='Patterns' pageWidth = '560' pageHeight = '420' columnWidth = '560' leftMargin = '0' rightMargin = '0' topMargin = '0' bottomMargin = '0' > <queryString> <![CDATA[ select 5.2 col_1, -18.92 col_2, 65.48 col_3, 123456789.11 col_4 from dual union all select -5.2 col_1, 18.92 col_2, -39.1 col_3, -123456789.11 col_4 from dual union all select -7.111 col_1, 200.002 col_2, -1021.765 col_3, 23456789.11 col_4 from dual union all select 1024.0 col_1, -9999.99 col_2, 5873.911 col_3, - 23456789.11 col_4 from dual union all select 12345.67 col_1, 89101.11 col_2, 21314.156 col_3, 3456789.11 col_4 from dual union all select -17181.92 col_1,-202122.23 col_2, -242526.272 col_3, - 3456789.11 col_4 from dual ]]> </queryString> <field name='COL_1' class='java.math.BigDecimal'/> <field name='COL_2' class='java.math.BigDecimal'/> <field name='COL_3' class='java.math.BigDecimal'/> <field name='COL_4' class='java.math.BigDecimal'/> <title> <band height='28'> <staticText><reportElement x= '14' y='0' width='126' height='14'/><textElement textAlignment='Right'><font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/></textElement><text><![CDATA[COL_1]]></text></staticText> <staticText><reportElement x='140' y='0' width='126' height='14'/><textElement textAlignment='Right'><font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/></textElement><text><![CDATA[COL_2]]></text></staticText> <staticText><reportElement x='266' y='0' width='126' height='14'/><textElement textAlignment='Right'><font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/></textElement><text><![CDATA[COL_3]]></text></staticText> <staticText><reportElement x='420' y='0' width='126' height='14'/><textElement textAlignment='Right'><font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/></textElement><text><![CDATA[COL_4]]></text></staticText> </band> </title> <detail> <band height='14'> <textField> <reportElement x= '14' y='0' width='126' height='14'/> <textElement textAlignment='Right'> <font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class='java.math.BigDecimal'><![CDATA[$F{COL_1}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField pattern='###,###,##0.00 ;###,###,##0.00-'><reportElement x='140' y='0' width='126' height='14'/> <textElement textAlignment='Right'> <font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class='java.math.BigDecimal'><![CDATA[$F{COL_2}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField pattern='###,###,##0.00 ;###,###,##0.00-'><reportElement x='273' y='0' width='126' height='14'/> <textElement textAlignment='Right'> <font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class='java.math.BigDecimal'><![CDATA[$F{COL_3}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> <textField pattern='###,###,##0.00 ;###,###,##0.00-'><reportElement x='420' y='0' width= '98' height='14'/> <textElement textAlignment='Right'> <font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class='java.math.BigDecimal'><![CDATA[$F{COL_4}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> </jasperReport> Second example
Minus at the beginning of a number.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" name ="Demonstrating Subreports" pageWidth = "595" pageHeight = "845" columnWidth = "595" leftMargin = "0" rightMargin = "0" topMargin = "0" bottomMargin = "0" > <queryString> <![CDATA[ -------------- select 5.2 col_1, -18.92 col_2 from dual union all select -5.2 col_1, 18.92 col_2 from dual union all select -7.111 col_1, 200.002 col_2 from dual union all select 1024.0 col_1, -9999.99 col_2 from dual -------------- ]]> </queryString> <field name="COL_1" class="java.lang.Float"/> <field name="COL_2" class="java.lang.Float"/> <detail> <band height="28" splitType="Stretch"> <staticText> <reportElement x="20" y= "0" width="60" height="14"/> <textElement><font fontName="Courier New" size="12"/></textElement> <text><![CDATA[COL_1]]> </text> </staticText> <textField pattern="-###0.00"><reportElement x="20" y="14" width="60" height="14"/> <textElement><font fontName="Courier New" size="12"/></textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Float"><![CDATA[$F{COL_1}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> <staticText> <reportElement x="90" y= "0" width="60" height="14"/> <textElement><font fontName="Courier New" size="12"/></textElement> <text><![CDATA[COL_2]]> </text> </staticText> <textField pattern= "###0.00"><reportElement x="90" y="14" width="60" height="14"/> <textElement><font fontName="Courier New" size="12"/></textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Float"><![CDATA[$F{COL_2}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> </jasperReport> Third example
Figures starting with a dot in case there in the range [0,1[.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" name="Demonstrating Subreports" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="845" columnWidth="595" leftMargin="0" rightMargin="0" topMargin="0" bottomMargin="0" > <queryString> <![CDATA[ select 5.2 col_1, -18.92 col_2 from dual union all select -5.2 col_1, 18.92 col_2 from dual union all select -7.111 col_1, 200.002 col_2 from dual union all select 1024.0 col_1, -9999.99 col_2 from dual union all select 0 col_1, 0 col_2 from dual union all select .9 col_1, - .8 col_2 from dual union all select .8 col_1, .01 col_2 from dual union all select .7 col_1, .002 col_2 from dual union all select .6 col_1, .0003 col_2 from dual ]]> </queryString> <field name="COL_1" class="java.lang.Float"/> <field name="COL_2" class="java.lang.Float"/> <pageHeader> <band height='28'> <staticText> <reportElement x='20' y='0' width='60' height='14'/> <textElement> <font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[COL_1]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x='90' y='0' width='60' height='14'/> <textElement> <font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[COL_2]]></text> </staticText> </band> </pageHeader> <detail> <band height='14'> <textField> <reportElement x='20' y='0' width='60' height='14'/><textElement><font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/></textElement> <textFieldExpression class='java.lang.Float'><![CDATA[$F{COL_1}]]></textFieldExpression></textField> <textField pattern='.0000'><reportElement x='90' y='0' width='60' height='14'/><textElement><font fontName='Courier New' size='12'/></textElement> <textFieldExpression class='java.lang.Float'><![CDATA[$F{COL_2}]]></textFieldExpression></textField> </band> </detail> </jasperReport>
See also other Jasper examples.