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Oracle SQL: Storing hiearchical data | ||
One way to store hierarchical data is to create a self referencing table.
It is called self referencing because the foreign key (column parent_id) references the same table as the table in which the foreign
key is:
create table hierarchic_yahoo_tbl ( id number primary key, parent_id references hierarchic_yahoo_tbl, -- references itself descr varchar2(20), active number(1) not null check (active in (0,1)) );
This table is now filled with some values:
-- 1st level: insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 1, null, 'Yahoo' , 1); -- 2nd level: insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 2, 1, 'Entertainment' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 3, 1, 'Science' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 4, 1, 'Social Science', 1); -- 3rd level (below Entertainment) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 5, 2, 'Awards' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 6, 2, 'Comedy' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 7, 2, 'Humor' , 0); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 8, 2, 'Magic' , 1); -- 4th level (below Humor) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (19, 7, 'Jokes' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (20, 7, 'Advice' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (21, 7, 'Parody' , 1); -- 4th level (below Magic) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (16, 8, 'Card Tricks' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (17, 8, 'Magazines' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (18, 8, 'Organizations' , 1); -- 3rd level (below Science) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values ( 9, 3, 'Astronomy' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (10, 3, 'Biology' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (11, 3, 'Geography' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (12, 3, 'Physics' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (13, 3, 'Research' , 1); -- 4th level (below Astronomy) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (22, 9, 'Galaxies' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (23, 9, 'Pictures' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (24, 9, 'Stars' , 1); -- 4th level (below Physics) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (25, 12, 'Electricity' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (26, 12, 'Mechanics' , 1); -- 3rd level (below Social Science) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (14, 4, 'Psychology' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (15, 4, 'Sociology' , 1); -- 4th level (below Psychology) insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (27, 14, 'Conferences' , 1); insert into hierarchic_yahoo_tbl values (28, 14, 'Intelligence' , 1);
Showing the tree with start with .. connect by:
select lpad(' ', (level-1)*2, ' ') || descr from hierarchic_yahoo_tbl start with parent_id is null connect by prior id = parent_id; Yahoo Entertainment Awards Comedy Humor Jokes Advice Parody Magic Card Tricks Magazines Organizations Science Astronomy Galaxies Pictures Stars Biology Geography Physics Electricity Mechanics Research Social Science Psychology Conferences Intelligence Sociology
The next SQL statement restricts the output to subtrees whose active flag is set to 1. Additionally,
it starts with the Entertainment sub tree (
id = 2 ). The active flag of Humor is set to 0, so it won't be displayed.
This technique is also covered in pruning in connect by select lpad(' ', (level-1)*2, ' ') || descr from hierarchic_yahoo_tbl start with id = 2 connect by prior id = parent_id and active = 1; Entertainment Awards Comedy Magic Card Tricks Magazines Organizations Further links
On storing hierarchical data shows how the same subtree can be assigned to more than
one node.