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SQL*Plus | ||
SQL*PLUS is a rudimentary tool to execute sql statements against Oracle.
Starting SQL*Plussqlplus username/password@net_service_name sqlplus username/password sqlplus sys/password@net_service_name as sysdba sqlplus sys/password as sysdba sqlplus / as sysdba
Only users that have been granted the SYSDBA or SYSOPER
privilege can connect as sysdba or as sysoper.
When SQL*Plus is started, it reads (and executes) the commands found in glogin.sql and
login.sql. This mechanism allows to set one's preferred settings.
Executing SQL Commands
In order to execute an SQL command with SQL*Plus, it must be entered, followed by a semicolon (;), followed by pressing enter;
Editing the most recent SQL comand
The most recent SQL command can be edited with edit.
Interaction with the user
prompt, accept and pause are three commands of SQL*Plus that allow to
interact with the SQL*Plus user.
History function
Unfortunately, there is no built in history functionality in SQL*PLUS that would allow to go back a number of commands issued in
SQL*PLUS. However, there is gqlplus (on sourceforge) that enhances sql plus with
a history functionality.
With cygwin (as apparently also with linux and possibly other Unix variants),
rlwrap can also be used. SQL*Plus is then called like
$ rlwrap sqlplus user/password@sid . rlwrap is a wrapper around readline.
On HP-UX, one can call sql*plus from ied (something like
ied sqlplus usr/pass@srv
There seems also to be an ied equivalent in perl: feb.tar.gz
On windows, the function key F7 gets a list of previously executed commands. Also, if a letter is already entered,
it gets the list with commands starting with that letter. Also the arrow keys work. Note: This works only with the command line sqlplus (sqlplus.exe),
not with the gui version (sqlplusw.exe).
On emacs, M-x sql-oracle does the trick.
On 9i, iSQL Plus seems capable of exactly this.
Miscarchive_log With autotrace on, sqlplus automatically explains the plan for an SQL statement entered and displays the relevant statistics. beautifying sqlplus output Commands
accept arraysize autotrace break column compute connect copy define echo edit escape execute feedback flagger get host input linesize long new_value pagesize password prompt recover run save serveroutput show shutdown spool @, @@ and start startup store sqlpluscompatibility sqlprompt termout timing undefine Using bind variables in SQL plus variable verify xquery . (dot) Other stuff |