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The cost based optimizer (CBO) of Oracle | ||
With Oracle 10g, CBO will be the only optimizer as RBO will be dead.
The impact of logical and physical io for the CBO.
See also Fallacies of the Cost
Based Optimizer by Wolfgang Breitling.
Most important task
The most important task for the CBO is to design an execution plan for an SQL statement.
The CBO takes an SQL statement and tries to weigh different ways
(plan) to execute it. It assigns a cost to each plan and chooses the plan with the smallest cost. The number
of permutations of plans the cbo tries can be set with
The cost for a statement is calculated like:
physical io +
logical io / 1000 + net io.
Tuning the CBO
One of the most important parameters to tune the CBO is
Actually, optimizer_index_cost_adj doesn't tune CBO itself but is important for the CBO in deciding for an execution plan which affects the
speed of the SQL query.
Other important parameters are:
optimizer_search_limit and
Gathering statistics
CBO needs some statistics in order to assess the cost of the different access plans.
These statistics include values such as
These statistics can be gathered with dbms_stats and the
monitoring feature.
The optimizer_mode determines if Oracle will use CBO or RBO.
As with Oracle 10g, there is only CBO, there is no imperative need to set this parameter to use the CBO. However, it will influence the the plan either to have a the first rows as soon as possible (first_rows) or all rows (all_rows).
Watching CBO do its decisions
Setting diagnostic event 10053 allows to watch the CBO how it
decides for an execution plan.
See also A look under the Hood of CBO: The 10053 Event by
Wolfgang Breitling.