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A Proxy in Perl | ||
This is a proxy that I have written to demonstrate the http protocol. If you use it on Windows, make sure you
disable the annoying beep
I wanted this proxy to be small and understandable so as to be able to tweak it. So, there is no logging functionality for example or other bells and whistels.
use strict; use URI; use IO::Socket; my $showOpenedSockets=1; my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new ( LocalPort => 8080, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Reuse => 1, Listen => 10); binmode $server; while (my $browser = $server->accept()) { print "\n\n--------------------------------------------\n"; binmode $browser; my $method =""; my $content_length = 0; my $content = 0; my $accu_content_length = 0; my $host; my $hostAddr; my $httpVer; while (my $browser_line = <$browser>) { unless ($method) { ($method, $hostAddr, $httpVer) = $browser_line =~ /^(\w+) +(\S+) +(\S+)/; my $uri = URI->new($hostAddr); $host = IO::Socket::INET->new ( PeerAddr=> $uri->host, PeerPort=> $uri->port ); die "couldn't open $hostAddr" unless $host; if ($showOpenedSockets) { print "Opened ".$uri->host." , port ".$uri->port."\n"; } binmode $host; print $host "$method ".$uri->path_query." $httpVer\n"; print "$method ".$uri->path_query." $httpVer\n"; next; } $content_length = $1 if $browser_line=~/Content-length: +(\d+)/i; $accu_content_length+=length $browser_line; print $browser_line; print $host $browser_line; last if $browser_line =~ /^\s*$/ and $method ne 'POST'; if ($browser_line =~ /^\s*$/ and $method eq "POST") { $content = 1; last unless $content_length; next; } if ($content) { $accu_content_length+=length $browser_line; last if $accu_content_length >= $content_length; } } print "\n\n....................................\n"; $content_length = 0; $content = 0; $accu_content_length = 0; while (my $host_line = <$host>) { print $host_line; print $browser $host_line; $content_length = $1 if $host_line=~/Content-length: +(\d+)/i; if ($host_line =~ m/^\s*$/ and not $content) { $content = 1; #last unless $content_length; next; } if ($content) { if ($content_length) { $accu_content_length+=length $host_line; #print "\nContent Length: $content_length, accu: $accu_content_length\n"; last if $accu_content_length >= $content_length; } } } $browser-> close; $host -> close; } The proxy as a package
The following package can be used for a generic proxy, that is, it just
forwards what it receives without interpreting it. It must be noted, that it is
not multithreaded, and only forwards one connection.
package proxy; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use IO::Handle; sub new { my $obj = shift; my $self = {}; my $proxy_port = shift; $self->{server_host} = shift; $self->{server_port} = shift; $self->{client_callback} = shift; $self->{server_callback} = shift; $self->{proxy} = IO::Socket::INET->new ( LocalPort => $proxy_port, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Reuse => 1, Listen => 10); binmode $self->{proxy}; return bless $self, $obj; } sub accept { my $self = shift; my $client = $self-> {proxy} -> accept(); binmode $client; my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new ( PeerAddr => $self->{server_host}, PeerPort => $self->{server_port}); binmode $server; $client->blocking(0); $server->blocking(0); my $select = new IO::Select; $select->add($server); $select->add($client); autoflush $server; autoflush $client; while (my @ready = $select->can_read()) { foreach my $fd (@ready) { my $buf=""; if ($fd == $client) { sysread($client, $buf, 1024); &{$self->{client_callback}}($buf); print $server $buf; } if ($fd == $server) { sysread($server, $buf, 1024); &{$self->{server_callback}}($buf); print $client $buf; } } } } 1;
This package is then used like so:
use proxy; use strict; use warnings; sub from_client { print "\n\nFrom client:\n"; print shift; } sub from_server { print "\n\nFrom server:\n"; print shift; } my $proxy = new proxy( 7777, '', 80, \&from_client, \&from_server ); $proxy->accept(); Links
This package is used in On a breakable Oracle to demonstrate a critical security bug.
Thanks to Paul Harman who notified me of a bug in