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Pindo Deli, the site


/personal/pindo_deli/mill_from_distance.jpg The paper mill as seen from a distance (1 to 2 km, approximately).
The climate was very special. Within 30 minutes, the wheather could change from 'no clouds' to 'raining'.

This picture is taken from the office in which I was working. (I was working in Paper Mill 9 (PM9), and the building in the back is PM 11. the unused space in between will eventually be PM 10.)


The entrance

/personal/pindo_deli/bridge.jpg The paper mill's entrance was actually a bridge.


/personal/pindo_deli/buses_employees.jpg The site workes in three shifts per day.

On shift change is at 8am. At that time, many, many busses come over the entrance and unload the employees. Here are some of the busses waiting for the shift to end.

Constructing PM 8

/personal/pindo_deli/roll_storage_constructing_01.jpg Next to PM 9, another paper mill was constructed. /personal/pindo_deli/roll_storage_constructing_02.jpg