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VIM: built-in functions | ||
Ascii Value of a Character : <code>char2nr()</code> ---- opposite: <code>nr2char</code> Cursor relatedline("$") line("'t") line(".") col(...)
Setting the cursor:
cursor(line, column)
See also
getpos() (which returns a list)
Asking the userecho confirm("is this ok?", "&Yes\n&No")
Make "No" the default choice
echo confirm("is this ok?", "&Yes\n&No\n&Don't know", 2) List / Directory Commandsadd() filter() empty() remove() copy() deepcopy() count() get() index() insert() items() " dict only join() " list only keys() " dict only values() " dict only len() map() max() min() range() " list only remove() repeat() " also for strings reverse() sort() split() " returns a list Functions related to functionsfunction() Functions related to buffersgetbufvar() setbufvar() getline() setline() getbufline() Functions related to interactiongetchar() "checks also for mouse clicks gecharmod() input() inputsecret() inputdialog() inputlist() inputsave() inputrestore() Functions related to the commandlinegetcmdline(), getcmdpos(), getcmdtype() setcmdpos() Functions related to to registersgetreg() setreg() getregtype() Functions related to serverremote_expr() remote_foreground() remote_peek() remote_read() remote_send() server2client() serverlist() |