- abort [ie]
- createAttribute
- createCDATASection (data )
- createComment (comment)
- createDocumentFragment (data )
- createElement (tagName)
- createEntityReference (name )
- createNode [ie] (type, name, nameSpaceURI)
- createProcessingInstruction (target, data)
- createTextNode (data)
- getElementsByTagName (tagName)
- load [ie] (url)
- loadXML [ie] (xml_string)
- nodeFromID [ie] (id_string)
- save [ie] (objTarget)
- attributes
returns an array of objects. An object in this array has the name and value property.
- baseName [ie]
- childNodes
- dataType [ie]
- definition [ie]
- firstChild
- lastChild
- namespaceURI [ie]
- nodeName
- nodeType
Can be
- 1: Element
- 2: Attribute
- 3: Text
- 4: CDATA Section
- 5: Entity Reference
- 6: Entity
- 7: Processing Instruction
- 8: Comment
- 9: Document
- 10: Document Type
- 11: Document Fragment
- 12: Notation
- nodeTypedValue [ie]
- nodeTypeString [ie]
- nodeValue
This property defines the content of a div. The following example uses nodeValue to write the seconds since the page was loaded:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var secs=0;
setTimeout('write_seconds()', 1000); // 1 second
function write_seconds() {
var span;
if (document.getElementById) {
span = document.getElementById('time');
if (span && span.firstChild && span.firstChild.nodeType == 3) {
span.firstChild.nodeValue = secs;
setTimeout('write_seconds()', 1000); // 1 second
<span id='time'>0</span>
- ownerDocument
- parentNode
- parsed [ie]
- prefix
- previousSibling [ie]
- specified [ie]
- text [ie]
- xml [ie]
- appendChild (tagName)
- cloneNode (deep )
If deep is true, the children and children's children are cloned as well.
- hasChildNodes ()
- insertBefore (newChild, refChild)
- removeChild (child)
- replaceChild (newChild, oldChild)
- selectNodes [ie] (patternString)
Returns a list of nodes.
For example:
xmlDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'");
xmlDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath");
objNodeList = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("//xsl:template");
- selectSingleNode [ie] (patternString)
- transformNode [ie] (stylesheet)
- transformNodeToObject [ie] (stylesheet, outputObject)
Thanks to Enrique A. Gamez who notified me of a type on this page.